Yesterday I had a table at the Girlgang festive arts market, it was the first art market I've ever sold my work at and I only found out a week before that it was happening! After the Reclaiming Pink exhibition a few weeks ago, Kaz, one of the women who runs Girlgang Leeds said there was a cancellation and so there was one table free and I could have it if I wanted. I said yes as selling at a market has been something I've wanted to do for ages but I was so unprepared!
After a lot of panic and late nights packaging things, I was mostly ready for the day and it went SO much better than I expected. I actually sold out of most of my tote bags and now I've put the rest on Etsy. It also made me realise that the wolf prints are quite a popular seller so I'll aim to make more graphic prints!
What I learnt from the day:
- tote bags that I thought looked rushed and rubbish actually sold well
- people love slogans, swearing and feminism, which is great because I love making art with all those things
- I really enjoy meeting and interacting with people on this kind of level, everyone was so nice! It also gave me a much better idea of the kind of audience for my work, mainly women aged 18-25
- I definitely want to do more art markets in the future, they're fun, make me feel motivated and are a great way of meeting other lovely creatives
What I'll improve on next time:
- obviously I wasn't as prepared as I could have been but next time I'd like to make my table look a bit nicer, other people had fairylights and nice baskets to display their stuff. I feel like my stall looked a little boring and didn't reflect the work that was on my table
- I need to make more of a range of things to sell, some higher and lower priced items, maybe badges?
- the pink things went down well, maybe I'll make more of that